20 May – Celebrating World Bee Day
Congratulations to TIPWG chairman Roger Poole and Secretariat Jacqui Meyer on the successful launch of their new TIPWG Read the Label, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that champions bees. Released in conjunction with World Bee Day, 20 May, the SOP reinforces the need to read the label while highlighting the global plight of bees and how the Industry can help reduce their decline.
The SOP was inspired by a CropLife SA article that illustrated how simply reading the label and following its guidelines could have prevented two mass bee die-offs in the Western Cape.
As foresters, the single biggest impact on bees’ survival we can have is to always read the label when using pesticides. The importance of this cannot be overstated, as the label contains a wealth of information with regard to using the pesticide including limiting non-target effects”, Roger explains, “however, we wanted the SOP to convey more than simply a message to read the label. We wanted it to champion bees by reminding our members of the bee’s plight and conveying other simple ways the Sector could make a difference, including forging partnerships with beekeeping organisations and planting bee gardens”
TIPWG is challenging FSA members to plant bee gardens, in the hope that members will help them create 20 new bee gardens across the forestry landscape. If you have been inspired by TIPWG to create a bee garden, do let us know website@forestrysouthafrica.co.za
Click here, to read the SOP media release in full. To download a PDF version of the SOP, click here.